Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Beautiful the Feet...

The feet of my co-laborers and I spreading the Good News
of Jesus to people on the streets of New York City

"How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!'" Romans 10:14-15

This passage ends with a word of praise: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!" My God says to me that when I am sharing the Good News of Jesus with others, not only is the message and act of obedience a thing of beauty, but even so my feet.  Feet are beautiful in His eyes when they are used to walk across the room, across the street, or around the world as an instrument for His glory, to bring Good News to ears that need to hear.

Examining this passage in reverse order, I see God's instruction. In order for the lost to hear, I must go when and where God prompts. When I go, I must be willing to open my mouth and testify to what Christ has done for me, and what He has done for those I am speaking to. Once they have been told, they have the option to believe. They now have that choice as a result of the obedience of the one whose feet dared to go and bring them the Good News!

God's divine plan for all to know Him is carried out through the command of the great commission in Acts 1:8. His desire is that each one of us would dare to go somewhere. That we would boldly open our mouths and share the Gospel. That one by one, His children would be eternally delivered from sin and into a personal relationship with Him.

I am personally praying about the specific country God is calling me to next. Where is He calling you? Across the room, across the street, around the world? Don't be surprised if He calls you to all three or any combination thereof! How will they know unless we tell them? How would you have know had someone not dared to walk across the room and tell you?

Father God, I am eternally grateful for those that dared to open their mouths and tell me the Good News. And I am honored to be used by You to do the same. Thank You that already in my lifetime You have called me to Jerusalem (locally), Judea (Florida), Samaria (this nation), and to the ends of the earth (internationally). Please continue to use me to be Your hands and feet - my hands to write, my mouth to speak, and my feet to go - to testify about Your goodness. Each time You use me, I am blessed beyond measure! In Jesus' Name, Amen.