Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spiritually Prosperous

Matthew 5:3-12, The Beatitudes

God's Word says in the Beatitudes that I am blessed or spiritually prosperous (AMP) when certain attributes are experienced or displayed in my life. In her study A Beautiful Offering, Angela Thomas refers to the Beatitudes as the "When You Are's". I recalled that phrase as I read this passage again today. This is a paraphrase of how it impressed me...

I prosper spiritually when I am poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is mine.
I prosper spiritually when I mourn, for I will be comforted.
I prosper spiritually when I am meek (or humble), for I will inherit the earth.
I prosper spiritually when I hunger and thirst for righteousness, for my God promises I will
     be filled.
I prosper spiritually when I am merciful, for I will be shown mercy.
I prosper spiritually when I am pure in heart, for I will see God.
I prosper spiritually when I am a peacemaker, for I will be called [a daughter] of God.
I prosper spiritually when I am persecuted because of righteousness, for the kingdom of
     heaven is mine.

I prosper spiritually when I am insulted, persecuted or falsely accused. It is then that I am called to rejoice and be glad, because great will be my reward in heaven, for in the same way the prophets who went before me were also persecuted.

Father, when I am feeling poor in spirit, grieving or persecuted, I know from experience that it drives me to You in prayer. Spending more time in Your presence and in Your Word always prospers me spiritually, because I get to know more intimately who You are. For that reason, hard as it is to do in my flesh under these conditions, I choose to rejoice and be glad because I am growing in my relationship with You, and that helps me walk taller and stronger in my faith. Praise You Jesus!

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