Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dying of Thirst

"Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water..." Genesis 21:19a

Abraham and Sarah's maidservant Hagar bore them a son who was named Ishmael. As he grew, Sarah took note that the boy was "mocking" (his brother Isaac, no doubt, according to Galatians 4:29 where it says, "But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now."). She instructed Abraham to get rid of the boy and his mother even though Ishmael was Abraham's son. She did not want Ishmael sharing in her son Isaac's inheritance. So Abraham gave Hagar some food and a skin of water and sent them on their way into the desert. 

This mother and son traveled into the the desert of Beersheba alone. When their water ran out and Hagar saw that her son was dying of thirst, she put him under a bush crying and then went about a bowshot away and sobbed herself. As she wept an angel of God called to her asking what was wrong. The angel instructed her not to be afraid and assured that God heard her sons cries. The angel told Hagar to lift her boy up by the hand, for he would be made into a great nation. Then God opened [Hagar's] eyes and she saw a well of water. She went and filled the skin with water and gave her son a drink. God heard their cries. God met their need. 

What do I do when I have an urgent need? Do I really trust God to meet it? Do I cry out to Him with hope and make my need known? Or do I wallow with a spirit of despair? Do I let fear creep in, or do I trust that God will meet my needs? As I have marinated in this passage I have also pondered for myself the question Jon Bloom poses in this quote: "Can we bear not knowing how God is going to provide for our most urgent needs and still trust that He will?" And I add to that my own reminder:  When He does meet my needs, do I remember to be grateful and intentionally thank Him for His abundant provision?

God in Heaven, Provider of my needs, I trust You. Oh God, please help any lack of trust! I know You know my needs before I am even aware that I have any. You hear me when my heart cries out to You in prayer. Thank You for Your faithfulness to answer in Your time, in Your way. You hear my cries. You meet my needs. Open my eyes to see the well of water You put before me. In Jesus' name, amen.

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