"...the Twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been cured of
evil spirits and diseases..." Luke 8:1-2
evil spirits and diseases..." Luke 8:1-2
As He went from town to town, Jesus kept company with the twelve disciples. During His ministry on earth, they did life together as they went about sharing the gospel, healing the sick, and ministering to the down and out. Not only did the Twelve travel with Him, so did some women. Women whom Jesus had delivered or healed. Mary Magdalene was with Him after He drove seven demons out of her. Grateful for His mercy, she became a zealous disciple of Christ. Also with Him were Joanna, Susanna, and many others who served Jesus out of dedication and indebtedness. Jesus rescued and restored them from various ailments and in return, they ministered to Him out of their own means. With great humility, Jesus and the Twelve accepted the support of His friends to sustain them as they went about preaching and teaching. Though He was rich, "He became poor" for our sakes and He lived on the kindness and generosity of others.
These women who were healed, both body and soul, had been "patients" (so to speak) of the Great Physician, Jesus. As a result of being healed by Him, they considered what they could do to bless Him. These women of gratitude lived their lives as a thank offering to Him. They attended to His needs, kept Him well fed, and followed Him faithfully.
Jesus my Savior, was my Great Physician too...and my Rescuer, Redeemer, Restorer. He has been so faithful to me! So I consider...
How am I living my life as a thank offering? (Am I?)
What am I doing to bless His name?
How am I living my life as a thank offering? (Am I?)
What am I doing to bless His name?
Father, I want my life to be an offering of gratitude to You. Show me how to bless Your name... In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
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