"But I prayed, 'Now strengthen my hands'... He had been hired to intimidate me so that I would commit a sin...and then they would give me a bad name to discredit me." Nehemiah 6:9c, 13
I have an enemy. He has come to intimidate and tempt me to sin. He wants to discredit me and give me a bad name. The good news is...I'm on to his plan! God's Word has made me aware of his plot to steal, kill and destroy - but my God has bigger plans. He has come to give me life and give it abundantly!
There was a job to be done - a wall to be built. The task may have seemed insurmountable. But with God's help Nehemiah's hands were strengthened, the enemy's plans were thwarted and the wall was miraculously completed "with the help of our God" (vs. 16) in just 52 days!
When I face what seem to be overwhelming odds, impossible tasks or trials, or feel like I'm in over my head, I must remind myself that the enemy is there whispering and affirming such thoughts. He wants to weaken and frighten me, render me less useful to God and weaken my faith. But when my eyes are fixed on Jesus, my hope and trust in the Lord, I can tell my mountains of impossibility how BIG my God is and that He has already won the victory. And I can ask Him to strengthen my hands.
Father, I do ask that You would strengthen my hands, especially for the immediate tasks ahead. Sharpen my mind and grant me Your wisdom and discernment. Please give me eyes to recognize the enemy's schemes so that I can take my thoughts captive and replace them with Truth. Renew my mind and make my hands useful for You. Remember me with favor O God and show me what You have for me. I ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
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