Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Treasuring God's Word

"I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread." Job 23:12

God's Word is to be treasured more than my daily bread...

How much do I treasure God's Word? Do I rank it of higher priority than food? Food sustains my life, but God's Word even more! I have learned through difficult and devastating trials that my "daily bread" can be so much less than what the world says it should be - and yet still be more than enough. What truly sustains my life each day is the life-giving sustenance of the Word of God. He has shown me that if I will come to the table hungry, He will feed me!

Father, help me come to the table of Your Word with a hunger for You; a hunger for a nugget of truth that I can cling to, bask in and marinate my life with each day. And help me to hide Your Word in my heart. Lord, I want to treasure Your Word more than my daily bread. Fill me up on You I pray. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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