"Rise up and help us; redeem us because of Your unfailing love." Psalm 44:26
Sometimes life can be crushing. The enemy may press in on all sides. My circumstances may tell me to fear. But God...
God says, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" God will be my Help. He will redeem me in due time. I may suffer hard things, but I must not let them keep me from God, but instead, allow them to push me even closer. Sometimes that's easier said than done, I know. But I've come to learn that even when the Lord seems withdrawn and quiet, and slow to answer or bring relief, I must not harbor ill feelings toward Him, or pull back in service to Him. I must keep walking toward Him with integrity. He will not leave me if I do not leave Him. My God is an infallible judge of my words and actions, and more than anyone, He knows my heart.
If God has allowed trying times or even calamity in my life, then it is God and only God that can redeem me. God's Word says in Hosea 6:1, "He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us, but He will bind up our wounds." The hand that tears is the same hand that heals. The hand that injures also binds up.
Because the Lord has not appeared immediately to deliver me from troubles does not mean He doesn't see. And He's surely not asleep! Psalm 121:4 says, "...indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber or sleep." The same God who watches over Israel, watches over me. He has not forgotten, and I am so thankful for that. He will redeem me at His appointed time, not mine, for He alone is my Redeemer. And so I press on in prayer, making my plight and my petitions known to Him: "Rise up and help us [with _______________ ]; redeem us because of Your unfailing love." I trust that He will answer.
Thank You Father for being my Help in times of need. Thank You for redeeming me from the pit, and from oppression at the proper time. Rise up and help us again, I pray. You have always been faithful. Do it again, Lord. Do it again! In Jesus' name, amen.