Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jesus, My Satisfaction

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6

I have studied the Beatitudes many a time, but what I love about God's Word is that each time you study a passage, He can teach you something new. His Word is always fresh...and refreshing. When I was doing an Angela Thomas study on the subject, I learned to consider looking as this passage as the "When You Are's". For example, when you are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, then you will be satisfied. That little idea really helped me understand the verses in a fresh new way.

As I read these familiar lines today, it just seemed to jump off the page at me and resonate in my heart - Jesus is my "Satisfaction". My daughter and I have been talking this past week about keeping track of the ways God shows us who we are (in Him) and who He is. We started putting together SMASH books (a trendy new kind of scrapbook) this past weekend during some mother/daughter time and purposely created pages for recording these truths. Pages dedicated in our books to the "I am's" we discover in His Word, and pages to record who we learn "He is..."

To teach Emily the concept in a visible, tangible way, I pulled this old index card from my Bible. I showed her that in 2004 I started keeping track of the ways the Lord has taught me who He is. In every trial and season of life I have discovered new and different names or characteristics about God. Today I added the words "my Satisfaction" to the back of my tattered little index card. Mmmmm...that's a good one to soak in today!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Need Not Fear

I need not fear. I know Jesus. I belong to Him, and He belongs to me. He conquered death and rescued me. The cup of wrath meant for me was poured out on Him instead, to pay the penalty for all of my sin.  Every painful thing I have ever been through, or will endure, vastly pales in comparison to the sacrifice He made for me. It is but a watered down drop in the cup compared to the pain, suffering  and separation from the Father my Lord endured when the full cup of God's fury was poured out on Him in my place. His blood has covered my sin and I choose to walk with Him. He is my Savior and He is risen, He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!!

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Believe in Him...
Happy Resurrection Day!